Songbird lane
Songbird lane

songbird lane songbird lane

2018) because of its potential for rapid spread and competition with native birds (Grarock et al. The Common Myna Acridotheres tristis is a high-risk INNS (Nentwig et al. In addition to waterbirds and parrots, several non-native songbirds have also become naturalized in Europe, resulting from the trade in wild-caught birds from Asia and Africa throughout the 20th century, which was only ended in 2005 (Cardador et al. 2016), which may then harm native bats (Hernández-Brito et al. Other human activities can also benefit invasive birds, such as Ring-necked Parakeets Psittacula krameri exploiting supplementary bird food in European gardens (Le Louarn et al. Climate change can assist the spread of INNS, by improving the suitability of new regions (Hellmann et al. Examples within Europe include the Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis and African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus, which have both had significant negative effects on native birds (Lever 2005, Martin-Albarracin et al. 2015), and some have serious impacts as INNS. Worldwide, more than 200 bird species have become established outside their native range (Lever 2005, Martin-Albarracin et al. INNS are those species that have been introduced by humans to novel environments outside their natural range, and which can have negative impacts on native species and ecosystems through resource competition, disease transmission, hybridization, predation and habitat modification (Simberloff 2013). Invasive non-native species (INNS), also known as invasive alien species, are one of the major threats to global biodiversity (Early et al. We also highlight the importance of improved recording to monitor the potential establishment of INNS, such as the Red-billed Leiothrix, in Britain. We discuss the potential negative impacts of this invasive species on local ecosystems, and how a warming climate and garden bird-feeding might assist their establishment in temperate Europe. The Red-billed Leiothrix has not previously been considered as at high risk of establishment in Britain, but we document recent records, including a cluster in southern England, suggesting that establishment may already be underway. Previous studies have shown that much of Europe is suitable for the species, including southern Britain. Recently, populations of Red-billed Leiothrix have established in Spain, Portugal, Italy and France. The Red-billed Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea is a small woodland passerine, native to subtropical Asia, that is an INNS in several parts of the world, including Europe, following escapes from the aviculture trade. Climate change and garden bird-feeding may facilitate the establishment of INNS. Invasive non-native species (INNS) are one of the major threats to global biodiversity.

Songbird lane